Monday, November 14, 2011

Difficult decisions with my wedding plans?

I just want to get unbiased opinions on my situation I have for my wedding. My fiance` and I have set a wedding date for May 7, 2011. Originally we were planning on going to Las Vegas. But after we talked to several family members some were not financially prepared for the trip. Even though we told people well in advance. (We got engaged last XMAS 2009). The people that are having financial difficulties are our fathers. Principle guests. Not to mention my father that is suppose to walk me down the isle. My father has been very difficult and has hurt my feelings tremendously recently. My parents(and my fiance`'s) are divorced and have been since I was 8. I'm now 33. My mother remarried 7 years ago to a wonderful man who is a great Stepfather. My thought was that since I am his only daughter that he would have no problem helping financially with the cost of the wedding. While my fiance` and I are trying to pay for the majority of things, we still need a little istance. I know things are not traditional where the bride's family pays for it all. But my mother has said she will help with what she can. I know she will. But my father has a huge pension, and now he is crying broke and states he will give us $300.00 towards the wedding. I said to my father I would have thought you would have been willing to do more since I am your only daughter. My father says to me, "Did your mother put you up to this?" I was hurt, shocked and angered by this. My mother doesn't even think nor talk about my father AT ALL. She has her own life and is remarried. Then my father said, "Haven't I always been there for you? Remember those times in 2005 when you called and ask for money? I still have the receipts!" Wow. In 2005 I just graduated from college and the money he is talking about would have been $50 here $50 there may $200 througout the whole year. Something to help me get by. He said that he kept it for taxes. What am I a charity case? I honestly think my father has mental issues. I really am thinking about having my Stepfather walk me down the isle at my wedding because my father is a fool. If I am willing to change the location of the wedding to help the cost for you because you are that important to me that you are there, then the money you WOULD HAVE SPENT on air, lodging, food, and entertainment could help towards a local wedding. I am very angry at him. He just DOESN'T get it! Incidently, my fiance` is upset at me for even bringing the money issue up to my father. I'm not sure what to do. I always wanted to have a small wedding with just my parents and my fiance`'s parents ever since I was young. I never thought the whole whoopla of spending $25-30K on a wedding was logical. I just thought maybe $3k would do the job and just have our parents and siblings, close cousins and friends there(50 people) athe most. My brothers have their own DJ business so as their Wedding Present to us they said they would DJ and rent a hall for us. AT this point I'm ready to just run away and come back tell everyone we have GOTTEN married. But I know we both deserve more. We are both educated and are childfree, and I think those are pluses on our side. Would would you do?

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