Thursday, November 10, 2011

Is Israel the only country, Part II?

No matter how anyone has what they have, they are never willing to give it up. I think (now, this is my opinion) that the colonists who came to America did the same thing, take by force, scurry the native peoples into desolate areas, and take, take, take, exploit, exploit, expolit. Same thing with slaves being brought to America, beaten, tortured, abused. Still to this day there is animoisty amongst the "sides". And perhaps, the sins of the fathers (the forefathers as they are called) are ped on to the sons (the gents running the country). Perhaps becuase of their sins to other humans, fate is catching up - not that I want to dig up every wrong ever commited in history, but, the blood of the innocents stain the hands of the decendants of the guilty. Is that the case? Is the chaos of the world today simply a manifestation of the poor judgements of our ancestors? Why do I think this way? Well, as the devil's advocate for just a moment, it is prevalent in human nature to be able to recall with little effort, bad things, bad memories, and bad experiences, but the good things, gentures of kindness and love, they are so hard to remember and often easily forgotten. Maybe we had all better watch our own behinds, and quit the useless bickering, use the brains and talents and fortitude and pion we have, to make things right - not fair, but right. Life can't always be fair, but for the love of God, what excuse do we have for not making things RIGHT?!

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