Monday, November 7, 2011

What is this metal song with a pipe organ intro?

About a week ago I pulled up to a stoplight, and after a few seconds I became aware of pipe organ coming from the car to my left. It was powerful, spooky-sounding stuff in a minor key -- a lot like Bach's "Toccata and Fugue in D minor". After the last pedal notes faded away, a metal band came slamming in with a guitar, b, and drums. It was really clean, well-recorded and dynamic, punchy and clear. The little Goth girl in the penger seat yelled "F*** yeah!" and things really got rocking with this chugging guitar riff that made me think of old-school metal. I was really starting to enjoy it, but then the light changed and I had to turn. Does anyone have any idea what this song is called, or who the band is? Thanks.

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