Thursday, November 10, 2011

My 8 year old confident child just started going to a new school, he cries everyday what do i do?

MY 8 year old is a fun loving confident child who loved school, we jointly for th last one year decided to move him to a better school with a lot of sports and creative activeites. He was very excited when he got admited to this school however for the last 5 days he cries every day and pleads me to change his school.There are fewer kids per cl and he has moved from a boys school to a co-ed...he says theres too much sports and no time for regular play and he has made only a few friends the rest are rude to him...he also is not familer with a lot of the sports so he feels he is a bit of a looser compared to the others.also the teaching style is different even though the portions are a lot less he perfers i guess what he was used to...I feel so terrible for uprooting him but this is a much better school and i felt this was the perfect age to do so...he is also very bright and always in the top few since kidergarden...i have talked to him and i really dont know what to do.

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