Tuesday, November 15, 2011

What happened to my singing voice?

A few years ago i was a chorus boy i used to sing all the time and lately i noticed my singing is off by a lot i can't hit notes and i crackle. I am 14 however i was wondering if my voice getting deeper has anything to do with me no longer being able to sing? Or did i mess up my vocal chords by singing to much? help me please.

Why should the national government have unlimited powers of taxation?

What do you think? Do you think it's irrelevant to today's society as compared back when the Federalist Papers were created? Just curious.

Im looking for the name of a book, which is a series, that has a teen genius and a fairy underworld...?

It is the Artemis Fowl series. Artemis Fowl is a 12 year old millionaire who wants to restore his family's fortune. And his greediness forces him to connect to the fairy underworld.

Is cisco a good stock to buy?

I see that Cisco is going to lay off tons of people? Do you think that this is a good time to buy? I mean with all the lay-offs the profits should increase? I was doing some research and I found this site a href="http://www.tradersbase.com/" rel="nofollow"http://www.tradersbase.com//a I have been reading there for awhile. There is an article by Mike on the site (I think it is the first one) about Cisco. He has stock in it and seems like he is going to keep it. Thanks guys - any advice is appreciated.

Question for Immunology brainiacs?

So, I am currently taking a course in Micro and we are covering the raw basics of the immune system. Today in lecture we learned how "pain" is caused by the destruction of RBC's which subsequently release bradykinins, prostaglandins, etc., which lower the pain threshold. Does this mean that if RBC's did not release these pain factors, even thought they were destroyed, that we would technically not feel pain? In other words, is it purely the release of these proteins that causes what we perceive as pain rather than the injury itself?

Spotting and the Birth Control Pill?

I've been taking Yasmin for about 3 years. My gyn told me I could skip the placebo pills and continue with the active pills in order to avoid my period some months. I've done this two months in a row (my last period was in mid-november). Well, now I've had brown discharge since before Christmas. I called my gyn, and the nurse said it's just my body adjusting to the pills. I had a gyn appointment right before this started and the pap smear was clean. Should I be worried?

Why did John Kline release clified Information to the press?

Why did John Kline who is a member on the Intelligent committee release clified security information to the press after being brief behind close doors.Should these republicans be prosecuted for putting partisan politics before this country security ?

How do I get my money back if some of my paycheck was withheld for taxes even if I'm exempt?

I'm a student working a part-time job and I filled out the papers I needed to fill out in order to get paid, which included some tax papers where I claimed "Exempt." The problem is that I didn't write a "0" in a specific box and they withheld $20 from my paycheck. I do qualify for exemption but I just filled out the tax papers wrong. I went back and fixed the paperwork but, I was wondering, how do I get this money back? The woman at the Humanities Department told me to file for a tax refund in the spring semester but didn't go into details. How does this work? I know its not a lot of money, but for a college student, it actually is. Can anyone tell me what to do now?

Publication or website for market rates for residential apartments and or homes in Michigan?

I am yzing a rent roll for an apartment complex and I am looking for stabilized market rates for a specific area in Michigan, in this case, St. Clair Shores. Is there a publication or website that has this information available? I know of Signature & ociates and CB Richard Ellis for industrial, retail and office space, what about residential? Your help is greatly appreciated.

How can I keep my cat inside?

My cat is a little under a year old. She's spayed but not declawed. I wouldn't have a problem with her being outside except for the fact that we live on a busy road and our neighbors have aggressive German Shepherds... Anyway. We have an automatic dog door for our two dogs that open automatically when they go near it because of sensors on their collars. Well, my cat has figured out that she can go out when the dogs go out. She usually goes out at night time and comes back around 3 in the morning. The problem with that is that everyone is asleep, so no one can let her in. I'm very worried about her. She's already gotten stuck in the neighbor's tree once and it took forever and a fireman to get her down. We've tried spraying her with water when she gets close to the door, but that doesn't work either. Does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks ahead of time.

How can i find a cheap Airfare from Australia (Perth) To US (chicago), I am not in a rush, and can travel any?

Try bestflight.com.au also kayak.com are good because they show you what the fares are in a little calender on the side for the month you select. If you find a flight that is cheaper than on bestflight.com.au give them a call and they might match or do better.

Are there any new systems coming soon?

Are there any new handheld game systems coming? such as the microsoft xplayer, is tht real? adn what is?

What are some great, easy pranks on some guy-friends?

If they have cars then this one is gold . This one would also be best done at the school parking lot - if possible . It's simple : all you do is remove two of their hubcaps - one from either side of the car - and place a small rock or two inside . Replace the hubcap and be on your way...and be there when they do drive off.It will cause no damage at all but when the wheels start to move it will clang and bang in an embarrasing manner - and they won't know what it is. Once they DO figure it out then they have to go through the hle of removing ALL of their rims to find out if there are any others . It's gold - especially if you can do it on the same day to more than one of your friends.

What is the origin of the clown? Why do clowns typically wear oversized afros or bulbous noses? Is this racist?

I think it started back a long time ago with court jesters. Or before then. The purpose was to entertain the king or queen. Clowns have big noses and wild hair and this is to appear funny. Has not the slightest thing to do with racism

How can SEO helps in our business?

SEO helps a lot in one's business by the visibility of your site in search engines. If your website is in good rank more users visits your site and get known to your business by a single click.

How to address a German diary entry?

I'm writing a diary entry from the viewpoint of a German WWI survivor. What would be the German equivalent to "Dear Diary/Journal," or something along those lines? Thanks!

Help translating english to french?

a href="http://translate.google.com/translate_t?hl=en#" rel="nofollow"http://translate.google.com/translate_t?…/a

Main bowlers of the side not completing their full 10 overs!!!?

Yah nehra,zaheer,bhajji all bowled pretty badly.They must be dropped and rested for few next games and let new bowlers try their luck.

What are the chances.. Short ? Please help?

I took a ept test (6 day early detection) and I am currently 6 days from my expected period... It was negative but could I still be pregnant? Was it too early still? I do have a irregular period. Advise or opinion please? Thank you!!

Who thinks rap/Hip hop Sucks?

I mean all they do is talk and computerize there voice, the whole reason people can not rap is because they do not have a computer geek enchancing there voice. Oh and rock is coming back slowly so watch out b*tches, I mean you have all these kids that think there gangster listening to Panic! at the Disco and Red Jumpsuit Apparatus, whow they are determined rappers!

Will i ever get my husband back after treating him so bad,I love him?

My husband and I have been seperated for 8 mths,we were married for 18 yrs and almost the whole time I put him down and controlled him by not letting him have any money even tho he was the one earning it,I argued with him constantly,I kicked him out of our bed 3 yrs ago and when I let him have with me I would tell him to hurry and get it over with,he left me and moved in with a teenage girl,that ended after 3 wks,then he was with another teenage girl,I told him he was a child molester and I made his life hell,he said he thought of suicide,now we are kinda getting along and I realise I still love him even tho i have never showed it or told him,he wasn't the perfect husband either he cheated on me the whole time but he said he was trying to feel good about himself after i would put him down,my mom was the same way with my dad so its all i've ever seen,we got married 4 wks after meeting and we have 2 sons,I also have a daughter from a previous relationship,my husband raised her.

Mixing Special Effects Hair Dye?

if ur gonna mix colors, do it little by little, cuz the color can change a lot if you put too much of one and not enuf of the other.....its a lot of fun to try new combos, i've done that a lot...you get a color all your own......make sure the streaks are lightened to a very light blond, so that the color shows up really vibrant. do the bleach part first. put the green on, wrap it in plastic wrap and clip it, then you can do the black on the rest......if you do the black all over and then try to lighten, you will end up with orange hair on those pieces and the green won't show up good enuf. good luck!

Can I get pregnant if I sweep with a broom?

I know its good clean fun....... but is it ok to have unprotected sticks? Come on....... we just swept together. Honest!

Here like criss angel!!?!?!?

he is awesome i know all of his stuf well most of it is just fae illusions but the way he does it is like WOW!!

Determine tie breaker in division/wildcard? AFC EAST?

I know for the wild card they give it to the team that won, if they played each other. What if they didn't play each other? What about for who wins the division if both teams finish 11-5 and each team has beat each other once? And, who do you all think will win the AFC East? I'm picking the Dolphins.

Does this sound good for a curry?

I want to make curry using chicken, rice, and hot curry powder. I was going to mix some powder with the chicken broth for a sauce, put the chicken on the rice & pour the powder/broth mix over it. Does this sound good?

Monday, November 14, 2011

From where I can get freelancing SEO projects?

I have 6 years exp. in search engine optimization. I am looking freelancing seo work. Please let me know from where I can get SEO projects?

What happened to my knee?

I kneeled down and my knee went "snap, crackle, pop". It really hurt. Now the pain comes and goes-sometimes it is so bad I can barely walk, and sometimes it's just a dull pain. The pain is on the inner side of my knee and sometimes behind my knee. It's much worse if I kneel down or have been sitting a long time. It's been over a month of this. I'm not overweight, don't over-do exercise and am not ancient! What happened?

Similar names - Which are your favourites?

GIRLS- madeline; mia; lara; sophie; cecelia; rose; bella; gabriella; claire. BOYS- leo; marcus; jonathan; james; damon; jackson.

Does synthetic urine work on lab ysis drug test?!?! SOMEONE ANSWER WITH 1rst HAND EXPERIENCE?

no, if they take the urine to a lab they can tell if its fake or the person been taking detox and what not so dont even try to

Poll for Catholics: Do you (personally) believe that Mary is the source of....?

How do you figure Mary would be considered the SOURCE, when every line of this prayer simply asks her to PRAY for us?? God is the source. Mary is just an intercessor, just as each of us is.

Law question?

Do your own home work. Welfare does not extend into college. You are an unoriginal F*&k. Whitey can't do it all for you!!!

Would you do this fantasy football trade?

I would accept this trade, but immediately I would try and trade McGahee in a package for a WR (you don't need two RBs that are on the same team and losing Colston will leave a need at wideout).

Studies... Why do people research such inane stuff?

Yes, and I don't know any specifically but the ones you listed made me laugh!! Thank you! (7 times, okay!)

What Time Does The C2X Bus P The Golden Way In Adelaide?

There is a C2X bus departing stop 80 Golden Grove Road at 7:57am so if you wait at the bus stop at this time you would not have to wait very long for the bus.

Redux: James T. - what's in a name?

Upon doing some research, I found that James T. West, didn't have a middle name, just the middle initial "T."

Easy Math/Science question?

You would have to know the cross section and other things about the man, so that you could determine what his terminal velocity(the fastest speed he could be going) is. When jumping from that distance, he would reach terminal velocity. Once you figured out that speed, you would have to figure out what the buoyant force of the water is and in order to determine this you would have to know what the volume of the man is. Using the force from the water and the force of gravity you could find his acceleration in the water. Using this acceleration and his initial speed you can figure out the distance. So it is impossible to answer without more information.

The Ab Circle Pro????

If you just used the ab circle pro for your workout regimen, and general activity, could you lose a good deal of weight like they are saying? And would you lose weight all over, or just in your mid-section? I'm wanting something that will work my abs, but also my arms, , thighs, calves...thanks

Was it a cube in the rice?

Hi! A few years ago I watched a cooking show. The chef poured or added something in his rice and turned the rice into yellow. Was that a broth cube?

Please help, I'm scared to fly....?

I am terrified of flying. I'm leaving on a trip tomorrow having to take a 10 hour trip and am completely petrified. I have MAJOR anxiety and have begun to cry. I have no time to get any prescription medication and don't know what to do. Does anyone have any advice? Thank you!

He's about to die and my stepmom...?

I lost my mom 5 yrs ago and when I did , he acted like everything was normal and I was okay. I wasn't. always ask her if she is okay and if you can be a good listener then be just that. maybe she will be in need of a trip or vacation when this has ped awhile. start to make new good memories for her to think about.

Sid out another week?

Ah, methinks Sid Crosby came back too soon. I admire the kid's heart and all, but...shut it down until the playoffs! Last time I checked, the Penguins are not hurting for talent...knock on wood!

What would be a good, opinionated topic to write on that would grab the attention of college-aged people?

I am writing an opinion editorial for my college english cl. I have opinions on a lot of things, but I am wondering what would grab the attention of college-aged students. I will be submitting this article to my school newspaper.

Mommies - can you get a mortgage while on maternity leave?

We will be moving to Australia, and are trying to figure out whether or not to have a second child before or after we move. Benefits of having a baby prior to the move is that I will be on leave and able to watch the two young kiddies while hubby works ... or, we will both work and then I'll get pregnant ... what would you suggest?

Difficult decisions with my wedding plans?

I just want to get unbiased opinions on my situation I have for my wedding. My fiance` and I have set a wedding date for May 7, 2011. Originally we were planning on going to Las Vegas. But after we talked to several family members some were not financially prepared for the trip. Even though we told people well in advance. (We got engaged last XMAS 2009). The people that are having financial difficulties are our fathers. Principle guests. Not to mention my father that is suppose to walk me down the isle. My father has been very difficult and has hurt my feelings tremendously recently. My parents(and my fiance`'s) are divorced and have been since I was 8. I'm now 33. My mother remarried 7 years ago to a wonderful man who is a great Stepfather. My thought was that since I am his only daughter that he would have no problem helping financially with the cost of the wedding. While my fiance` and I are trying to pay for the majority of things, we still need a little istance. I know things are not traditional where the bride's family pays for it all. But my mother has said she will help with what she can. I know she will. But my father has a huge pension, and now he is crying broke and states he will give us $300.00 towards the wedding. I said to my father I would have thought you would have been willing to do more since I am your only daughter. My father says to me, "Did your mother put you up to this?" I was hurt, shocked and angered by this. My mother doesn't even think nor talk about my father AT ALL. She has her own life and is remarried. Then my father said, "Haven't I always been there for you? Remember those times in 2005 when you called and ask for money? I still have the receipts!" Wow. In 2005 I just graduated from college and the money he is talking about would have been $50 here $50 there may $200 througout the whole year. Something to help me get by. He said that he kept it for taxes. What am I a charity case? I honestly think my father has mental issues. I really am thinking about having my Stepfather walk me down the isle at my wedding because my father is a fool. If I am willing to change the location of the wedding to help the cost for you because you are that important to me that you are there, then the money you WOULD HAVE SPENT on air, lodging, food, and entertainment could help towards a local wedding. I am very angry at him. He just DOESN'T get it! Incidently, my fiance` is upset at me for even bringing the money issue up to my father. I'm not sure what to do. I always wanted to have a small wedding with just my parents and my fiance`'s parents ever since I was young. I never thought the whole whoopla of spending $25-30K on a wedding was logical. I just thought maybe $3k would do the job and just have our parents and siblings, close cousins and friends there(50 people) athe most. My brothers have their own DJ business so as their Wedding Present to us they said they would DJ and rent a hall for us. AT this point I'm ready to just run away and come back tell everyone we have GOTTEN married. But I know we both deserve more. We are both educated and are childfree, and I think those are pluses on our side. Would would you do?

Am I an alcoholic? You decide...?

Dude...Vow to not drink a drop for three days...Just three days...Can you make it past day 3 ? You're not an alci...My suspision is that you can't make it past day one..

Is anyone upset like me.......????

about the Whiskers losing first Flower and now her Daughter Mozart died.......I keep saying why? Why did she have to die?

Unclaimed property -- rosalind garner?

my mom keeps getting an unclaimed property notice in the mail. we're wary of scams, but it's the same person with the same postcard every time. i looked up the phone number on google and it matches her name and address. white pages also has her. anyone gotten anything in the mail relating to unclaimed property before? i guess we'll give her a call today, but just asking lol.

Exxon Valdez oil spill?

Hi. The Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Trustee Council has a website that should answer most of your questions. Go to http://www.evostc.state.ak.us. Check out the is a section geared for students. Good luck!

Singers, please help me!?

Whenever I try to hit a high note, I've always been told to breathe from my diaphragm. But now, whenever I inhale into my diaphragm and exhale to hit the high notes, it almost feels as if I'm exhaling too much and my voice cracks. How can I control my air flow so that I can hit the notes without my voice cracking? I've been practicing but now, my vocal cords are tired and I'm afraid I'm damaging them.

I have a 1999 dodge durango that is showing code P0753.Could anyone give me any information on this.?

When you start it up and pull out in D it is in third gear.If you pull it down to 1 it will pull out in first but as you shift up it will not go in Second as you shift on up it will go in third and stay there. No overdrive or ping gear.

No sympathy , I just want you to suggest any possible way out or any option?? Or anything I could do?

Most of the schools you have named happen to have very good financial aid available! Even though it may be "too late" to apply for financial aid, a school with money available will bend over backwards to help students whose cirstances have changed through no fault of their own. Talk to them NOW and explain the situation!

Can anyone give me a good plane for my research?

I recommanded you to go www.wikipedia.org for basic knowlwdge and then start reseach by defining about your interest either in a new product developement from it or in available one.

Is prophet mohammed is the greatest person in the world ?

PLEASE wake up and realise that most of those who would answer your questions are anti Islam and hate Muslims. You do not need to ask this question, you do not need some haters, racist to tell us who is greatest man ever created. You will never find any Muslim or a true believer who would insult Jesus or Moses. Most of those who answered are extreme rights Christians and Zionists. They are the wrong persons to ask. The answer to your questions is Prophet Mohamed was and is and will be the GREATEST HUMAN ever and those who do not agree..very simple before you insult anyone just go and read and know who you are talking about, a man who brought a message which is followed by a milliard and 200 millions most of them are believers unlike those who claim to be believers and may be 10% of the are practising!!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

RAM or GCard for this?

Buy Ati Radeon since u seem to be movie junkie. RAM helps you run simultaneous applications but not effective in improving graphics

What happened on the Bold and the Beautiful yesterday (friday) at the Forrester Fashion Show & Donna & Eric?

Stephanie, Thorne, and Felicia agreed to eliminate Donna from the fashion show, but their plan is still up in the air. Ever the unsuspecting, Eric has made his way to his show-stopper debut on stage, unaware that apparently Donna is going to not appear or fall flat on her face, lose her dress, be shot in the back, or just come on the runway with a sign taped to her back that reads "kick me." Whatever happens, I'm sure Jared is posed for his photo op. Hopefully Bobby Ewing will jump up on stage and make a fool of himself, sort of like Barney Miller did not so long ago. :-)

Could these NCAA teams beat NFL teams?

if you combined OSU, LSU, UGA, and USC could they beat a .500 NFL team? I know they're professionals, but these 4 teams alone will have numerous pro players join NFL over the next 4 years. what would be a predicted score if they played NE patriots?

Is she playing me??

I work with this girl and we seem to have a lot in common. For the first 1.5 years we had a real casual flirty relationship but one night at an out of town meeting we went out and drank some. By the end of the night I professed my feelings for her. She was cool w/ it but it didn’t go too far. A few weeks later she started having more ual driven conversations (mostly over text) This went on for a while and I really thought she had feeling for me as I do for her. Now she is either hot or cold depending on the day and sometimes I think she is really into me when we spend time alone and when in public she totally snobs me. My question is does she have feelings for me or is she just a playa…..I really have strong feelings for her so it sucks.

Why is it some pastors need?

that is what it is called entertainment...and you are paying for it. in heaven that is called overtime.

Will babies born in 2011 really never know stuff that became obsolete last decade and this decade?

I mean, with wikipedia and many stuff that tells about stuff the became obsolete this decade, will babies born this year never really know that stuff existed or will they ever find it out on wikipedia?

Where can I play Virtual Villagers 3, 4, or 5 online for free without a download?

It is hard to get full version free game, and those free game download website might contain virus, which is a nightmare. Try to get instant discount online or claim coupon code a href="http://www.dropshipping-portal.com/gamecoupon/" rel="nofollow"http://www.dropshipping-portal.com/gamec…/a

Women: what would you say or do if some person comments about your dishes?

I was trying to figure out who Louis was--you mean Lois. If someone complained about how I did the dishes I'd tell them they could do dishes if they didn't like it. I got the hang of doing dishes when I was a kid--I rinsed them and put them in the dishwasher.

Will IRS tax me if I don't file?

I worked at a small firm doing some computer consultation for almost a year. I was paid biweekly. I did not get taxes taken out by my employer. Will the IRS find this out if I don't report pay these taxes? If so, how will they find out? How do I avoid getting in trouble with the IRS?

Omg creepiest dream ever wat does it mean?

ok so i dont remember everything but its this one part that i cant stop thinking about....i was with 2 girls idk who they are like ive nvr seen them in my life lol and we were all at the beach...it was like around mid-day and the waves were pretty strong but it was still possible 2 swim...so we are all there playing around ( we were with the parents of one of the girls ) and this girl goes under water and a wave comes and hits her under water and she cant come back up..i tried to give her my hand but the wave just took her away and she drowned...i dont remember wat happend after that part but then we all went to her house to tell her parents and when we got there the parents we were with sent us to her room so they can tell her parents what happened so then i hear her mom scream and cry and i started crying 2 and then she comes up 2 me and the other girl and asks us what happened and even tho i knew and remembered what happened i told her "idk i dont remember"...y ?! and wat does this mean

Does something like this exist?

What you're looking for is called a "grommet". You can find them at hardware stores, department stores, craft stores, etc. They come in different sizes and finishes.

How much should I expect to pay for Labor (per Square Foot) for engineered hardwood installed on a slab?

Live in North Carolina, have been told I don't need a moisture barrier but would like contractor to do a test to make sure.

If it's McCain vs. Obama what happens to illegal immigration?

Would McCain as president veto tough anti-immigration proposals since his record is pathetic on the issue? What would Obama do if he was handed the same proposals? Does this duo open the door to a third party candidate to run with a strong anti-immigration platform in their forefront? Personally i couldn't less if a 3rd party candidate took votes from McCain. I see him more bush-like than anything else

Whos better Lucario or infernape?

OMG lol they both know fire moves so its hard but i would have to say Lucario becuz of my Lucario name Luke lol it has stats in the 300s for each stat lol it rock and the same with my Uberage (an awesome Arceus) I will show them to you and battle if you want to lol Email or IM me at wizkid1116@yahoo.com

How do i know if i have a slab leak?

So my water meter runs when all the water is off in the house and the water in one of are bath tubs stinks when you frist turn it on and the water presure in the kicthen on the cold side is very little almost no cold water at all. I have no pipes in the attic and no warm spots on the floor i cant hear any running water and i checked the yard for wet spots and found none.My house is six years old could it be something else. I do have a sprinkler system it was leaking but i turn it off at the main also the only cut off for the house is at the street.

I have a physics question please help!?

An electric dryer consumes 6.0 x 10to the 6th power joules of energy when operating at 220 volts for 30 minutes. During operation, the dryer draws a current of ?

Eating, warmth, clothing, no clothing, roof over our heads - shouldn't these things be our birth right ?

We come into this world naked, and we won't be able to bring anything with us when we croak. That is reality. The earth does not owe us anything. Some are born into wealthy families. That is their good fortune. As a society though, no person should have more rights simply because they have more money. If a millionaire commits a murder, he should be punished just like everyone. The reality is of course not that simple, as millionaires can hire people to do their dirty deed and he may never get caught. That is life, and life is unfair, but then a millionaire may be born with the genes that give him male pattern baldness. Even if he has all the money in the world, he may not be able to find a cure for his baldness. So, in some ways, nature is fair. It does not discriminate on the basis of wealth. :)

Guys, would you be like this?? Why??

If you lost to a girl in a race(with cars) would you be all pssed or want to race again?? She has a porsche, lexus, mitsubishi eclipse, and toyota supra, celica, and scion tc. They are all performance enhanced and have awesome speed and great stereo. Would you want to try until you beat her or be pissed and tell her that women can't dominate a man's sport?? Would you ever even think of dating her?? She also is a gymnast and lax player. Why is it guys hate getting beat by a toned, 5'1, 95lb, gymnast??

What can be made with solid figures for a child's arts and crafts project?

using solid figures such as cube, sphere, rectangular prism, pyramid, triangular prism and a cone. it does not have to be all of theses figures just some thing that can be made with one or two of them.

Help, I need to know what is missing from this Buffet menu?

some sort of potato or mayonnaise macaroni salad, tail weenies and sauce or pigs in a blanket might be some additions. sounds like a terrific buffet!!

***MTG Question*** When a card says "you" is it refering to "you the player" or you and anything you control?

For instance, could you use Mirror Sheen's ability when someone targets one of your permanents? Or only when they target you (the planeswalker)?

Why do the reds always lose? Bad players? Bad coaches? Bad owners?

I feel your misery. Pole (regardless that Greg Maddux said he was the greatest thing since sliced bread) is not a good pitching coach! How can a pitching coach who had a losing record and no more than 25 wins teach anyone to be great?!?! Pole needs to go, first step and main reason they are horrible ! Next bring a guy in with at least 100 wins under his belt as a pitcher and at least 10 years of Major League experience (Mario Soto comes to mind as a possibility). Volquez and Cueto need someone they can relate with and Pole is not the answer. Dusty Baker is a horrible manager and really has no heart for the game. He's out to get a paycheck, period! A one-way p out of town would be given to Homer Bailey, Paul Bako, Corey Patterson, Majewski, Todd Coffey, Josh Fogg and David Weathers. They don't belong in a minor league uniform let alone a major league uniform. We have a lot ofsalary space after the release of Dunn, Griffey and the aforementioned players!! That's all I got, I could say more but you already know!!!

What kind of adhesive?

What about going back over the glittered areas with a glitter "paint" ? In the craft stores where they sell the fabric paint & beads etc, there is liquid glitter or glitter paint and you can squeeze it on or use a (cheap) paint brush.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Nap time and co-sleeping?

My son is 11 weeks old. We co-sleep/bed share with him. I am having the most difficult time getting him to take a nap. During the day I can get him to nap in his swing but in order to do this I have to rock the swing harder than it goes until he falls asleep. I would like to get him to be able to fall asleep by either rocking him myself in the glider or by just laying him down. I have only been able to rock him myself a couple of times, I usually end up putting him in the swing after 45 minutes of rocking and a very agitated baby. He is exclusively fed. He will not fall asleep on the unless he is extremely tired. Any tips on how to get this boy to fall asleep easier?

Why is love so complicated?

Pure love is not complicated. Most people use the word love loosely. If you read books about love from authors like Deepak Chopra or Dr. Wayne Dyer you will see the difference in what pure love is all about.

Masturbation question?

im 14 and i have been really int lately. im baptist and dont believe in giving it up to anyone before i get married. to relieve my frusturation, i've fingered myself with as many as 3 finger at a time, i've also used those fat pens as well as lotion bottles that fit(they were closed) i;ve even gone as far as nail polish bottles. (i havent started my period and i wear a 34b) but i shoved a tampon up there thinking it would relieve my feelings...it didnt. the only time it relieves is when i have an (and i love the feeling)i feel this way everyday and i was wondering what i could use (vibrators are out of the question because i have no privacy to hide it and no money to buy it) i feel guilty after watching because i know God doesn't like that but i really love that feeling any suggestions

Do you think Rodney and Natasha should be bf&gf? ( addicted to beauty)?

They are so perfect for each other!!! I think rodney should just ask Natasha out!! What are your thoughts>??

Is killing oneself a sin? ?

I used to think it is, but a lot of people here dont even believe there's a real God, so how can suicide be a sin. It should give me peace, something I've wanted all my life.

Can rats eat harvest cheddar sun chips?

i gave my rat 2 little pieces and she seems too reeeeaaally realllyy like em . could i possible substitue that as a treat for when im training her?

Look in the tackle box of any sport fisherman or woman?

and you will find interesting and often very expensive tools ociated with this hobby. Given that light varies with depth in aquatic environments, what implications does this have for all of the brightly and variously colored lures bought by many people who enjoy this sport

Can you prove this wrong theists.?

C.S. Lewis was Christian, you know, and from the context of that page, it sounds like he's attempting to explain the absurdity of evolution and what it's conclusions would mean to man's ability to reason at all.

Whats the name of this song???????????

The song is by Gwen Stefani and it's called The Sweet Escape and features guest backing vocals by Akon.

What do you think of the names Spring and Summer?

I am pregnant with twins girls and we want to name them Spring and Summer. Our 2 others daughters names are Winter and Autumn, with "normal" flower middle names that they can use when they get older and decide their names are too childish. ;-). We would like to know your opinions on the names Spring and Summer like, individually and not as a group of siblings. If that makes sense? So if you pretend we are having the first child and your opinion on what we want to name her. If you could think of any middle or first names for the girls that would sound nice with Winter and Autumn it would be appreciated! :-) We are just 'brainstorming' right now. Thank you in advance. :-)

I have a silver 2008 Scion tC, should I get reflective silver tint or just a black?

I love my black tint on my silver 06 tC cuz it matches my black rims. but if you like both, get the fading tint that goes from black on top to silver reflective on the bottom. looks real nice saw it yesterday in town

Who would win between shaq o neil vs brock lesnar?

the backetball player of course... he has been calling out chuck liddell..anderson silva and brock lesnar.. lets be honest heer. shaq can win this fight very easily. shaqile o neil has great reach speed and cardio. he also has world cl strikeing abilities along with a world cl ground game... i predict shaq to ko or sub brock in the very first round... i meen did u see what shaq did to oscar delahoya! shaq defeates brock via ko round 1... and i meen out cold!

What to put in a brown bag?

My marching band is having a brown bag barter (you put things-anything-into a brown bag) and I have no idea what to put in the bag! Any ideas would be great. However, it can't be anything inappropriate. One year someone got a vibrator.

At what point does political correctness turn into appeasement?

I asked this question in another category today, but I thought the good folk here in R&S could offer some interesting responses, as well.

Is there a chance that the BCCI will boycott fast bowling after this 20twenty WC tournament?

Will they say something like if there are bowlers going to bowl faster than 135km an hour, we will not play? Or if the opposition bowls short and fast we wont turn up for that too. Maybe the BCCI will get a 1billion signature petition to make a limit on how fast people can bowl?

Have you ever overcome depression?

i've been depressed for 15 years since I was ten. I've seen therapist, psychiatrist, counselors, hotlines the works, took the antidepressant, joined the gym, met new people, went out into the world went to school, got a job, traveled, prayed, I even understand that depression is in fact pointless. I know that my life is my cirstances combined with what beliefs i give value to or not but- none of it worked. Im especially more miserable now then ever as days p and I learn more and more how random and twisted reality can be for everyone no matter who they are or what they practice. Please, anyone who has any other suggestions for curing depression, enlighten me.

Is busch gardens worth it? please answer back!?

My school has fieldtrips every year. so last year we went to magic kingdom . it was awesome. but i really don't enjoy roller coasters that much. this year we're going to busch gardens. every one tells me i should go but im not sure if i should. im scared of big drops in roller coasters and i just wanna have fun. should i go or not? i am in this indecision because i don't want to make a fool of myself going without riding anything. besides i've watched youtube videos and shiekra is horrible so i don't know if i should or not. please answer back asap yahoo comunity. Thankyou!

Is My Friend Pregnant? Please Help Me? 10 Points?!?

95% chance of her being pregnant and you sound like you care alot about her so you should talk to her and consider an ultra sound for her to just to make sure

On Sky Player, why cant two people watch Live TV simutaneously?

I got two laptops and if two people in my house want to watch Sky Player on two laptops which I am paying 40 odd quid for a month, we should be allowed to. Is this a problem people are also having?!

How to recycle plastic bottles and jugs if...?

I have saved up lots of plastic bottles and jugs over the past year. I want to recycle them, but my apartment doesn't have a recycling program, and I know of no places in Tampa that allow drop-offs. What can I do?

TEN POINTS !!!!!!!!!!!?

You are gonna have to see him eventually. You might as well see him asap before you start caring too much about him. If he won't like you once he sees you then you need to find out asap. Better sooner than later because looks definitely matter nowadays

When the rich start dieing because the poor keep exhaling will they support universal health care ?

Well now, watching things over the years, I would say that would just about be the size of it. Always fix something after a tragedy, never before.

Scion tC question!!!?

I just purchased a Scion tC, and I am ready to put my two 12 inch subs in. I am about to buy a new head unit, but i was wondering if I am going to still be able to use my controls on my steering wheel, like to make the sound loud and soft... does anybody know?!

Is there a clear favorite in the NFC right now?

no. every single time, we think there is a clear favorite, they get shut dow. then every time we think a team is bad, they beat some other tema up. saints beat steelers. packers beat jets. giants loose to the colts and titans, yet knocked out 5 different qbs. we all know about the cowboys, and 49ers. lions dont look bad. neither does the buccs, although i thought they are a playoff team in the beginning of the season anyway.

Please rate my Fantasy Football team?

Well your strong points are easily quarterback and running back. Your wideouts could be good, could be bad, or anywhere in between because of all the questions surrounding Ochocinco and Edwards, who performed horribly last year (he was on my team until week 12, when i dropped him). Dustin Keller and Kellen Winslow are two top-rate tight ends in my opinion, especially Keller. He has great potential and is very young. And your defenses are both extremely reliable, each will give you consistent play week in and week out. My advice would try to trade a tight end and/or recievers and get an upgrade at the wide receiver position, but other than that you look on your way to a promising season! hope this helps!

Need to add coolant to a 2000 Mustang. But somebody filled the radiator full of water. How do I make room?

I need to add a big jug of coolant. How do you let some of the water out. The car over heats and there is no room for the coolant. Thanks!

Plz plz plz !!Homework - Biology!! plz plz plz?

_________________, a form pive transport, involves the movement of molecules from a region of of ____________ concentration to a region of _________ concentration. this process does not require _______________. It's rate is affected by several factors including temperature. The higher the temperature, the _________the rate of movement. _______________is the movement of water molecules from a region of ________ solute concentration, across a ___________- permeable membrane.

Exemption papers in ca exam?

I am icwa qualified,i want to know the exemption papers in ca inter exam for an icwa qualified student

Step parents - how do you deal with the new children and their dislike of you?

I've just moved in with my sister after her husband left - I'm the nanny now. I came bringing a harder level of discipline / tougher requirements on bahavior and the 8 yr old is bucking against it and I feel like an evil step-parent. She really gets under my skin. I've been there 8 months now and it isn't getting better. I find that sometimes I have difficulty not reverting to elementary tactics of bickering with her. Any advice on how to get this relationship working better?

Friday, November 11, 2011

Cena fans please come to your senses?

i dont like cena i dont hate cena.. hes just there.. although i get tyerd of him.. hes like an overplayed song on MTV.....i think that other peoples matches should be longer.. more fighting less talking..... like mickie james has like 3 min matches! but they still are the best part of RAW... but i have nothing aginst cena fans.. i think its just there opinions...

Does bougainvillea leaves contain fiber?

i'm doing a study on bougainvillea leaves and i would like to find out whether the leaves can be used as a material for textile making. ireally need the answer to my question. if somebody could just help me.

Is it worth waiting for my ex?

u shouldnt wait for anyone. if she comes back and ur still single then u can talk, but u shouldnt put ur life on hold for anyone, thats just the other person being selfish with u.

How to make frankie and benny's new yorker pasta?

They actually use Monteray Jack cheese.Pepper is added or sprinkled ontop and then cooked and tossed in pan. But how is it that you like the cheesey sauce.That's one dish I hate along with Penne (well anything with cheese sauce)

Where can i find...?

Where can i find a girls teenage mutant ninja turtle t shirt in black. One thats cute inlcude a link if you can. thanks! :]

What do you think of my piece?

Its great! The only thing I would change is some of the questioning. That gets a little George Bush-y. Lol

You better sit down and put your hard hat on for this question?

No. I tried to wear one but it fell off when the alien pimp-slapped if off and he was able to read my mind anyway.

Can I ever trust her?

Dang, if she is already lying to you then i'd forget her. If what she did was true then she must be very insecure and a huge attention grabber. I'd give yourself time to breathe and not talk to her for a little bit. Think about things and if it's meant to be, you'll end up together. Just remember she is already lying and that isn't a good sign.

Are heat and stress hard on the heart?

Yes on the title of your question, increased temperature increases metabolism, increasing every functions of all ur organs, including the heart. chest pains, well thats the pain of being brokenhearted i guess..well seriously speaking, he needs to be looked at, anginal pain can actually be a precursor of myocardial infection. with anginal pain, it is the temporary decrease of blood supply in the muscle of the heart, it is relieved by rest, nitroglycerine, and oxygen, myocardial infarction or MI.. is more serious, someone can die from a mive MI which means, the tissues in ur heart dies due to complete blockage of coronary arteries...

Why do you think God creates psychopaths/sociopaths?

Countless studies have made it clear some people are born (or subsequently become this way after brain injuries) without the ability to empathize (sociopaths) with others and thus feel no remorse. Psychopaths meanwhile take pleasure in seeing others suffer and exhibit other antisocial behaviors. Why would God create people who simply could not follow his moral code? Did he create especially so they would go to hell?

What is Sam from Laguna Beach's real name?

Sam is Kristen's crush, it won't show his real name anywhere. so if you can find a picture or his full name thanx.

Please someone help me?

you should probably say something about the black hand killing archduke franz ferdinand. also mention the zimmerian note that germany wrote to mexico to get mexico to attack the usa so that the usa would have to fight mexico instead of germany.

Can you become a Teacher in Colorado with a DWAI?

I received a DWAI 2 years ago and Im currently in college to become a teacher. I consequently received a driving without a license a year later. Am I still eligible to become a teacher?

I know there are others like me, aren't there?

My politics are a little left of center. I seek fairness and not privilege, I hate political correctness but want all to live in peace, I'm concerned about the environment, but think Al Gore is a twit, I want the constitution to stand on its own without any help from Bush or anyone. I hate war and interference in other countries, but will defend my country without question. Somehow we get lost in this bickering between right and left. That is the dictators and the communists. I think we have a voice, don't you?

Early signs of pregnancy?

I have to with another 27 days to take a test but are there any early signs of pregnancy that i can look out for? Like smelly urination, tummy cramps, munching a lot ect.

Differences btwn 2000 Trans Am vs 2001/2002...is it worth it?

There's really not much of a difference aside the 01/02 motors getting the LS6 intake. Other than that they're really the same cars. I'd just pick up a '00 if it's cheaper and slap a LS6 intake on it to make up the difference. Yes there are other little things but not enough to make any difference.

How can I make up for my racist upbringing?

To help leave your past behind, learn more about the histories of the groups you once loathed (from their sources). Cultivate compion.

Unusally good looking, so she cannot find job in banking?

My friend is unusually good looking and has a very beautiful voluptuos figure. She is asian and graduating from a top b-school soon. She is considering a career in I-banking. She went through some interviews and did very well, However, she is not hired after interview with HR. Some said that is because guys just hit on her and HR worry about anti-harrasment law suit. So, they just could not hire her. It is true that at b-school a lot of guys hit on her, a lot of them even collude to get her sleep with them. My friend has a lot respect for herself so she doesn't give in even they just keep pushing her around. But now, it seems HR of good firm is unfair too. Guys hit on her, HR blames this on her and won't hire her. She is penalized for her looks. What should she do to improve her chances of getting hired?

To kill a mockingbird atticus question?

Both infallible and articulate. maybe just articulate because i guess no ones perfect but hes pretty close.

Lump on back of dog's neck?

I have a 5 year old female English Mastiff. She was fine when I went to bed last night but this morning I noticed a golf ball sized lump on the back of her neck close to her head. She's not whining with it or anything and I'm going to call the vet in the morning as they are closed today but I was wondering what it could be. Thank you

Frankenstein question?

How do you think the author makes the story scary, what kind of kind of strategies or devices are used by the author to accomplish that?

Is Nicki Minaj ?

This is the best rumor I've heard all week. I don't know if it's true, but it would be awesome if it is!

Twinge pains in ovaries, late period?

Yeah, I didn't feel pregnant either. I took a couple of home pregnancy tests and they came back neg. I swore up and down I wasn't pregnant. My husband swore I was.........So I took one more.......he was right. I am 9 weeks pregnant and DEFINITELY feel pregnant!!! Really, really pregnant. :P

Any cool ideas on what to name a fake golf course?

I have to do a persuasive writing pamphlet at school on a golf course that we will build. But I need a name. And I`m finding it hard to think of one. Maybe you regular golfer`s out there have an idea. And if you have anymore ideas on what my setting or pamphlet might need to look like to catch your attention,please share! I need all the help I can get!

Does this mean I'm pregenit I'm so confussed some one help?

Ok I'm sooo confussed I need some help ... Ok I have regular periods but this month I didn't get it .... The last couple dayz i've been feelin really weried lik I feel dizzy and lik I'm goin to puck and I have to go to the bathroom alot I can't go to sleep cuz I feel sick... But the thang is on April 23 me and my boyfriend didn't have we just messed around but he didn't ejactulate nor have an didn't really get arouse soo I don't no what to do nor why this is happen to so does anyone have answerd that can help me

Editorial tips please?

i am in high school and i was chosen to be the editor in chief in our campus, but i think i dont have enough knowledge about it... please give me some tips... as well as rules... hoping to have good answers! have a nice day! thank you!

Please some advice for my bird loss?.........................…

Ask your vet what might have happened. Also you can get another bird. You know that she is not a replacement, jsut a new friend!

Research Mindanao Rainforest???? HELP!!!!?

Basically can anyone provide me with a LOT of information on the Mindanao rain forest in the simplest way possible? links to websites would be appreciated.

Social Security spends $700,000 on Phoenix conference. Why did Obama Approve this?

Jared, you don't see the hypocrisy of the President? He told banking officials that received TARP money that they couldn't have retreats in Vegas on the taxpayer dime. Why does that not apply to government agencies?

HP Fans: Does anyone else find Voldemort cliche?

I'm a HP fan myself but doesn't anyone else find Voldemort cliche? From everything I've read about him, he's evil just for the sake of being evil and wants to take over the wizarding world because... I dunno, because he wants to, I guess? I think that villains with no real motivations are overused, does anyone agree?

How to wash relaxed hair?

ellos x] well, im trying to start a new hair regimen that works well for me so i wont always have to depend on the salons. i relax my hair every 2 months but the problem is when i wash my hair it gets poofy even if it rains and my hair gets wet it gets Poofy!! ugh its soo annoying. i dnt know what to do bc i dnt have a blow dryer with the nozzle or the big dome kind so i usually let my hair air dry and its just terrible. am i suppose to use a serum? & will it work on wet hair thats air drying? How can i get it to be sleek & straight again after a wash without heat?

To join the army, are there special exemptions from bootcamp?

A friend of mine just graduated from college and had always want to join the army. Not exactly sure what he wanted to do, but he's really good in computer gadgets and things like that. He is however, kinda of short (5 foot-ish) and kinda skinny, about 110 lbs. He's not anorexic or anything, he just has a high metabolism i think. However he's afraid he can't p bootcamp b/c of his height and weight. Are there any way to skip bootcamp for him to do something else useful in the army (like computers or something, since he's good at it).

My rat still seems scared of handling?

I adopted 2 rats from my local humane society a few months ago. Their names are Sunshine and Hiccup, Sunshine is 1.5 years, and Hiccup is 1. They are very very active, and not very snuggly. However Sunshine will let me pick her up without much of a fuss. Hiccup on the other hand squirms and freaks out a little whenever I pick her up. I have been trying to get her used to it, but she still seems scared of me and being picked up. I have been taking her around the house on my shoulder which she seems okay with, but if I even touch her she tries to get away. Does she just not like attention? She is a lot better than she was, and now she will take treats from me during play time or in her cage, but not when I am holding her. What else can I do to get her used to me?

Who thinks allen iverson would fit in as a chicago bull or a cleveland cavalier?

if iverson wants to be a role player he should take a paycut and sign with the cavs with him and lebron on each side and shaq it would be a quarenteed ring or the bulls should build around him and iverson should sign a 3 year deal and retire thats my opinion...

Are there any good white jokes?

I've heard enough black/asain/mexican etc jokes to write a damn encyclopedia but I have heard very few, if any white jokes, somebody please drop one on me

Is anorexia caused by gay fashion designers?

I heard this argument that the reason why so many young women have a distorted body image (leading to anorexia, bulimia etc.) is that so many fashion designers are gay males. Consequently their aesthetic ideal is that of thin young males, so they try to get female models who will look that way. Ordinary females who don't look that way think they are over-weight. Is that true?

Do you trust the corporate media?

For example, do you believe that corporate media has told the whole truth about everything leading up to the UN intervention in Libya?

Help with spanish senteces.?

Yes, Orchide sauvage has the right answer, and it means "My friend spent the whole day playing volleyball with his brothers on the beach"

Thursday, November 10, 2011

What Mods can i fit to my Aprilia SR50 Lc Stealth ?

your probably not far of 17, and as its de-restricted then it should be quick enough for now, save your money and get an rs125 the day u turn 17, u wont regret it, (unless it blows up, they normally do)

Can your body still get rays to tanning when most of your body is submerged in the pool?

I believe the suns rays are magnified by x 1.6 on a sunny day without heavy cloud obstuction. Make sure you reapply every hour and wear sungles as well, if you lie in a pool, you can tan your whole body at the same time

How about we fight back when China manipulates their currency to take advantage of us?

First we would need to stop manipulating our currency- and just allow the current depression cause deflation. Next we would need to raise tariffs on China to make up the difference between what the Yuan is vrs what the Yuan should be. I favor indexing tariffs to the cost of regulations while repealing the regulations with the worst cost to benefit ratios. If the clean water or Clean air and clean water acts are good pieces of legislation why not do what we can to encourage the third world to follow that path?

Where to buy those little clay pots?

Where can I get those pastel color clay pots so my fish can hide in them? I haven't seen them in pet shops, maybe I overlooked them. Are the clay pots going to to release chemicals and change my water parameters? Thanks!

Tenor voice problems?

Your voice changes absolutely have everything to do with your current vocal problems since it interferes with your ability to consistently control your pitch. You can take voice lessons for techniques, but unfortunately you will have to let Mother Nature do her thing. You may find yourself singing an entirely different vocal part. You can't tell right now. I know this sucks, but if you try to push and strain your voice at this crucial point, you'll just end up damaging it. You can continue to sing, but don't try to force a particular tone at this point. Below, if you have Adobe Reader on your computer, is a link with some Q. and A. about vocal changes in boy singers. It's British, so the term "treble" refers usually to a boy soprano, or a boy whose voice hasn't begun to change yet (he sings in treble clef, you see).

Is Israel the only country, Part II?

No matter how anyone has what they have, they are never willing to give it up. I think (now, this is my opinion) that the colonists who came to America did the same thing, take by force, scurry the native peoples into desolate areas, and take, take, take, exploit, exploit, expolit. Same thing with slaves being brought to America, beaten, tortured, abused. Still to this day there is animoisty amongst the "sides". And perhaps, the sins of the fathers (the forefathers as they are called) are ped on to the sons (the gents running the country). Perhaps becuase of their sins to other humans, fate is catching up - not that I want to dig up every wrong ever commited in history, but, the blood of the innocents stain the hands of the decendants of the guilty. Is that the case? Is the chaos of the world today simply a manifestation of the poor judgements of our ancestors? Why do I think this way? Well, as the devil's advocate for just a moment, it is prevalent in human nature to be able to recall with little effort, bad things, bad memories, and bad experiences, but the good things, gentures of kindness and love, they are so hard to remember and often easily forgotten. Maybe we had all better watch our own behinds, and quit the useless bickering, use the brains and talents and fortitude and pion we have, to make things right - not fair, but right. Life can't always be fair, but for the love of God, what excuse do we have for not making things RIGHT?!

Calculus question... with some trigonometry involved. Help please?

A Norman window has the shape of a rectangle capped by a semicircle (so the top of the window is semicircular). What is the length of the base of a Norman window of maximum area if the perimeter of the window equals 8?

Help please? Shoe Question!!! :)?

Since the dress is both reflective and shiny, you will want to opt for sedate footwear to avoid looking like a disco ball, and instead looking sheik. I would go for either nude or black shoes, preferably either pumps or depending on your age flats. I would avoid boots, because since the dress is more noticeable, you don't want to attract too much attention to other portions of your body otherwise it will pull the eye in too many directions and look confusing or messy. Also, for jewelry less is more here.

Need some help here. girlfriend trouble?

let her know that with all the nes in you that you can't help it when you get horny ( if she can take it take it seriously) also dont get too crazy with herwhen you get romantic. over time she might start to miss that stuff and then she'l geet hornier. i don't know if this'll work but i hope it does.

Active processors and energy?!?

B, ions moving from a low concentration to high concentration are moving against there electrochemical gradient and would reqiuire energy to do so!

Changing 4cy jeep wrangler to a 6 cyl?

I own a 1990 jeep wrangler yj with a 4cyl 2.5 engine and ax/5 transmission. I would like to replace the 4cyl with a 6cyl and would like to know the best way to go about this? Is there a 6cyl that fits in better then the others? Would I also need to change the trans and all the wireing? Or can I keep everything else the same Thanks

Hair fall.......please help!!!!?

i have asked this question 3 days ago but didn't get any answer...so..iam posting this again. i have a hair fall question....i live in the UAE ..this year january i went to a saloon for straightenig my hair....the saloon lady used relaxer on my hair....she told me it won't do any harm ...but the next daymy hair was very stiff like a broom and it was not at all managable and after two months i noticed that my hair started breaking easily and i have intense hair fall. i have lost the texture of my hair.pls help me ....i don't want to loose any more hair...i feel i am getting bald....please help me

What are the effects of cannibalism ?

Today my friend and i were talking about vampires/cannibals/etc. and he told me that drinking human blood can deteriorate your body or something. He'd seen a doentary about a guy who had been a cannibal and he had a whole lot of problems with his organs and stuff. So when i got home i looked up if human blood was harmful to the body and i couldn't find anything. Can anyone tell me what the side effects of cannibalism are?

My husband and I are starting a new cleaning service and are in need of a fun and catchy name.?

We will start by cleaning residential areas and would like to expand to businesses. I will handle the administrative end of things while my husband will do the cleaning. We are in our 50's and are honest dependable people. We just want to be our own bosses and put our mark on the world

Have any craft ideas using fun foam?

you have all the makings of foam marionettes. You know, the kind where strings are attached to their hands, arms, head, and legs. You control it with a wooden cross that's attached to all the strings. You can be as simple or get as complex with the puppets movements as you want. Depending on the amount of strings you use : O)

How to win a child's trust back?

My ten-year-old cousin Ryan was abused in the past by his father who is, thankfully, out of the picture now. He's been out of the picture since Ryan was five. He suffered some pretty serious injuries....he still lives with his mom. Ryan is extremely ticklish (especially his feet) and last time I interacted with him I pinned him down and tickled him until he cried. I regret it now, and would never do a thing like that again because it might've been traumatic for him. Was it? Also....I'd like to know what SHOULD I do when I interact with him? ANy ideas? Is roughhousing okay, or playful tickling?

My 8 year old confident child just started going to a new school, he cries everyday what do i do?

MY 8 year old is a fun loving confident child who loved school, we jointly for th last one year decided to move him to a better school with a lot of sports and creative activeites. He was very excited when he got admited to this school however for the last 5 days he cries every day and pleads me to change his school.There are fewer kids per cl and he has moved from a boys school to a co-ed...he says theres too much sports and no time for regular play and he has made only a few friends the rest are rude to him...he also is not familer with a lot of the sports so he feels he is a bit of a looser compared to the others.also the teaching style is different even though the portions are a lot less he perfers i guess what he was used to...I feel so terrible for uprooting him but this is a much better school and i felt this was the perfect age to do so...he is also very bright and always in the top few since kidergarden...i have talked to him and i really dont know what to do.

Advice on "toilet paper issues"?

I thought we were done with this lovely little habit my kittys have, but ugh its back. When I first got Dex and Deb, they loved to play with the toilet paper on the roll (I only have 1 bathroom and its where their main litterbox is). They would run all the tp off the roll and play with it, and oh such joy it brought them. So I moved the tp up to the window sill, which they couldn't reach. Well, now they can, and they attacked it up there. So I put it on the back of the toilet, and for some reason, they left it alone. If its either there, or on the sink counter, they don't touch it, but if I put it on the roll they are all over it. So anyway, I came home from work yesterday, and they had pulled the whole brand new roll down and made my bathroom look like a snowy winter wonderland. It was everywhere lol. Anyone have any ideas what else I can do to get rid of this habit? I am not going to sit in my bathroom all day waiting for them to attack it, and I can't close off the bathroom. Thanks!!!

I want to write an autobiography of paper please help?

u have to collect the information about how paper is made ? then what r the different kind of papers we r using ,in what different way we r using paper ?[eg. paper is used as a tissue paper which can be used in toilet or in a purse of a lady or in the car in a tissue paper box, as a news paper or as a cheque as a money ,and so on if u r writing an essay the starting should be interesting and end should be concluding para.

Are the "hookup culture" studies out there a good representation of the typical University.?

No, you can't draw those conclusions from the studies, since they would have no external validity. Anecdotally, one might surmise that similar behaviors exist among other populations of college students, but you would need to have studies done (unless something about the study gave evidence to the idea that the factors determining the behavior were age and enrollment in a college, not anything else).

Is my job stealing my money?

I been working for about 3months at a supertmarket at the deli my question is I don't take breaks because the majority of the time I work alone I work full 8 hour days and on my check in log it show I work 7hrs & 45 min therefor not paid for the full 8hrs so I lost 15 min for not taking a break new York state law says everyone must take breaks but will make an exemption for employees who work alone at a certain location just like me so I wanna know if my job can legally deduct 15 or 30 min from me if I don't take a break and not get paid in full

Why was there a civil war in El Salvador ??

The short answer is greedy, power-hungry, miscreants who weren't content with life as it was. The long answer is because they were in the middle of Central America at a time that it became a microcosm of the Cold War and they were an unwitting victim.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Are aliens real or...........?

we cant be the only liveing things, there would have to be some other are intelligent life form on a nother planet some were.. do u think???? and if u beliven in alians have u ever seen one or a ufo??

Am i a wimp for this?

Of course you're not a wimp, you did the right thing by not retaliating. My kids go to martial arts lessons and their master tells them to always walk away from a fight if possible, you were definitely the bigger man for not hitting back. Don't be down about it, sounds like you avoided what could have been a really nasty situation pretty well to me:)

Should the US legalize Marijuana?

i've been reading alot about mexico and other latin american countries going thru a dramatic increase in violence due to the drug trade. in Mexico for example in 2006 their president started to combat the drug problem head on,but, that has resulted in multiple attacks on police officers, journalist, public officials and inoccent bystanders at an alarming rate of killings. Since the US is the # 1 customer of this drug should our country start to think about legalizing this drug. What effect do you think it will have on our society and will it eventually lead to our ruin or will it benefit not only our countrys economy but stabilize other countries problems aswell. Thanks for any feedback.

What do I need to add to improve this deck?

I think since you have water deck, there is three more cards that might be good for you. One card is kabasaurus, it is normal monster that have ATK of 1700 attribute of water and since you have The legendary ocean, Kabasaurus raise attack as well. Second card is Yomi ship, effect monster card with DEF of 1400, but when any monster that destroys this card, that monster automatically be destroyed also, this card is good for defending your life. Last card is also normal monster card Gogiga gagagigo, you have to sacrifice 2 monster and it has ATK of 2750or so. All of those monster cards will become strong when The legendary ocean card is activated.

Benzodiazepines, clonazapam questions?

Medications need to be taken for a certain number of days to be able to experience its full effects. I suggest that you take this medication tonight, then ask your doctor tomorrow on exactly how many days you need to take it. However, if you are experiencing adverse effects on this medication, then I would strongly advise you to stop taking it.

Wrinkly fingers at 15?!? Help please?

Hello I'm 15 and my fingers under ( on the Palm ) has these fine deep lines mostly on my fingertips and hate them so basically i have these fine lines on top of mmy digital imprints and also i notice that its like my skin is not firm it feels like Theres too much skin help wat to do

Question about birth control and early periods?

I've been on birth control for 4 years now. I switched last year from the patch back to the pill. I had some problems with breakthrough bleeding with the first type of pill my doctor prescribed, so in December, he swtiched me to another kind(TriNessa) I haven't had any breakthrough bleeding with this pill until now. I am on my last week of active pills and I've started my period! Is it possible to have breakthrough bleeding after being on this pill with no problems for 5 months? I haven't missed a pill at all this month and I just don't get it. Am I going to have to change pills again?

Group B strep and my 8 mth old?

if i had group B strep when i was pregnant and my 8 mth old now has strep throat, could i have caused his strep throat? could i have kissed him or something and given him the group B strep?

How do you change wma files to mp3?

i don't really have any music programs on my computer besides windows media player. any suggestions?

Is the government going to take care of me?

Will it keep expanding it's empire all over the world to keep evil foreigners from harming me? Will it keep subsidizing my ability to take on more debt to pay for my mostly worthless college degree and house that is much too large? Will it keep creating new agencies to protect me from harmful products, harmful food, harmful recreational drugs? Will it then also pay for me to have a nice retirement since I wont make any other arrangements for my retirement or any medical expenses if they arrive? Will it just hand me a nice canned life and protect me from everyone, everything, and myself indefinitely?

How to boost b on Windows Vista?

You can't. It's a laptop. It has tiny little crappy speakers because it's a laptop. If you want b, plug in external speakers, preferably those with a subwoofer.

How bad is the bcs when a team ranked #1 two times loses and still plays for national title?

come on give me a break lsu ranked #1 twice in the polls and blows it , still gets a shot at national title . things need to change ohio st and kansas 1 loss teams and hawaii undefeated . . dont say kansas or hawaii does not deserve it . look at boise st and okla last year. come on folks wake up lsu lost to KENTUCKY . they are not even top 5

He only talks to me when shes not there?

Well his allegiance lies with her. Obviously he likes her as more than just a friend and that is why doing her bidding is more important than being fair to his friends. If I were you I'd wash my hands of both of them. Next time you're in cl with just you and him, let him try and talk to you.... act as if you don't realize he's there. He'll take the hint.

Order for Upgrading my System?

Clean the HD, defragment it. You can try a neew graphics card, see if that helps with CAD. Not much you can do for the processor unless you change the motherboard (dual core is a must for cad)

Grilling inside a garage during the rain?

i would like to grill out even if it is raining. we have a small two car garage with two screen less windows on one wall. if i open both windows and keep the garage door open will i be safe from Carbon monoxide if i keep the grill close to the garage door opening?

I am pregnant and crave cheese.?

Its all that sounds good to me, i want to eat nachos, cheese sticks, and stuff crust pizza. Is that normal?

Rate my Stall/Kuriboh Yu-Gi-Oh Deck?

ok it is a pretty good deck for stalling but nothing else (the final countdowns was a good idea) hat can easily backfire the deck has no power behind it and against a good duelist its just annoying but still beatble and it can actually backfire causing you to stall urself to death if ur opponent has a larger deck u should add something like the exodia cards (forbiden one, necros, and exodias) so it can hav a backbone to it btw i think final countdown is limitted

I have a betta fish that has ick can I use quick cure up to 3 times a day to cure him?

A huge thing to consider is that any medication, be it anti-fungal, anti-parasitic etc, is very potent. It may have worked for someone else, with certain fish in a certain tank, to up the recommended dosage, but you are always taking a huge risk in overdosing. Secondly, i just want to be sure this is actually Ick you are dealing with. Ick will be seen as tiny little white specks/dots, all over your fish. Ive seen over hundreds of bettas in my time and I can hardly think of one that actually got ick. Ick is a parasite, not an infection. The MOST COMMON maladies betts contract are fungal infections. These will manifest in the form of either fuzzy white around the body especially top of the head and gills. Or in stringy white things off the fins. There are numerous types of medication out there for fish and you want ot make sure you are using the correct ones. I have had luck with several different varieties but all are potent. Bettafix for example, has probably worked for me (when using the correct dosage, not overdosing) several times however, if it is fungal, the prognosis can be bleak. It spread very fast and usually the amount of shock form the medication it would need to kill the fungus will also kill the betta.) Whatever route you go, MAKE SURE you are doing frequent water changes in small amounts. Never change all of the water at the same time. Also, when medicating a tank, you want to me sure to REMOVE any carbon from the filter as it will absorb the medication. After your treatment is done and/or or tank is healthy again, replace (or add) the carbon to filter out the excess medication. Good luck!

Architecture programs?

I am looking for a >any< program that is involved in architecture or designing. The only problem is, I need to be able to build or design a pyramid, or a triangular/prism object. I would appreciate any help.

What do Divorce papers have on them?

Yes, you should be able to. You'll need to go the county clerk's office in the county they were divorced in. Some courthouses will have a computer system that you can type in some info and it will give you the information in the screen. You might need a date or even the cause number of the filing or if it's sophisitcated enough, you may just need a name. If they aren't up to speed technically, it will be a ledger type book and you'll need way more info. It should be free unless you need a copy of the divorce decree (that's what it will be called) and if you need a certified copy (stamped by the clerk, for legal stuff) it will cost even more.

How do u make nachos on bread?

i saw it in a movie once, its like nachos on half a bun and baked? dont know whats its called and what veggies to use on it tho. help?

Homework Help!?

you can start it out as on one calm day i was riding in the car when all of a sudden boom there was a car crash! i didnt know what to think i was all shooken up and terror stricken!

NFL NFC East???????????

Is anyone else sick and tired of talking and hearing about the NFC East? Seriously the South is more competitive this year. The Falcons are having an incredible year after what happened to them last year I would say the 2nd worst year in any major sports. The Panthers and Bucaneers are doing outstanding this year also and all sports shows keep talking about the old Eagles, the cry baby Cowboys, and Plaxico shooting himself. The Falcons easily have had waaaay more to overcome this year and are 9-5 and barely get mentioned. Anyone else sick of that overated division? They forget about alot of AFC teams and highlight the NFC East soo much, about half of NFL Blitz is about the NFC East.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Macgyver? Does it work?

I'm not a scientist, but I am well versed in chemistry and physics and I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt that everything on Macgyver could be done in reality. The only thing unbelievable about the show I think was how Murdoc survived to haunt Mac.

Long, but complicated. Even her roommates agree with me, but why can't this girl see common sense?

Bail. She's still into her ex and there's nothing you can do to get her to forget about him, she has to learn by herself.

☧Can you use a phone card such as Mozart with your land phone?Or,are these only for cell phones.?

Prepaid calling cards are usable from both land and cell phones. Dial a toll-free access code to validate the account, then make calls. The only consideration that a cell phone has over a landline is airtime. Just because the access call is toll-free doesn't mean you don't pay in airtime, so be careful about when you call and whether you're burning airtime.

This girl from school, tapped me in the leg with a water bottle and asked for a cigarette?

she asks me for 5$, and rarely askes me for cigarettes, she tried poking me in the cafe one time, but anyway, i havent seen her for about 2 months, i seen her at the mall today, and our hometown is 3 hours away, i was sittin in the store, waitin for my sister to pick out her shoes, and i seen her walk in, she looked at me funny/awkward, i waved, she waved her hand like a foot away from my face, i dont know what she was doing, hi 5 maybe ? anyway, whats this all mean

Whoa! what?? christian bale in the slammer?

I just read a comment about christian bale being thrown in the slammer. What's up with that? why? what happened? Info please!!!

Muslim Female Premarital and Extramarital uality?

In my personal capacity I have heard that alot of extramrital goes on with men dressing in womens clothes visiting Muslim women. That seems obvious to me.

If were in a Recession why are Americans buying brand new BMW, Prius, Ipad, kindles?

Because, thanks to our Free Market Capitalism, we are still better off during bad times, than the Socialist countries at their peaks...

Who would you start?? fantasy football. SERIOUS ANSW ONLY?

DeShaun Foster and Ron Dayne. They will each get at least 5 points in a standard league minimum. The other three are garbage. Hope this helps...

One word with a lot of meaning that would be good as a tatoo.?

Im looking for a word that has a strong meaning of inspiration.. my friend got a tattoo that said "agape" which is a term from the bible that means unconditional love. i want a word that is strong and meanaingful like that ...? help

Can you help me with my questions about becoming a "godmother"?

I understand the meaning of a godparent in the eyes of the Catholic church. I, however, am not Catholic. I am baptized in a Christian church but I am not practicing. I have many different views; I am incredibly spiritual and believe in being a good person. I practice being a good person. I have researched and talked to people from all over the world that have different religions and beliefs; I find it fascinating to learn so many different views. I believe in being kind and treating people with respect. I believe in loving yourself and others as well as the Earth. My very best friend and her husband would like me to be their new daughter's godmother. My best friend and her husband are not practicing Catholics but are both baptized as such. The husband's family are very devout Catholics and are making sure their baby is baptized etc. I would love to take the role of being Godmother, but I can't be what the Catholic term defines as a Godmother. My best friend and her husband want me to be fully involved in their baby girl's life as well as if something happens to them, I would be the one that umes the role as parent. I know that because I am not Catholic, I can't be the "Godmother", but what do you suggest in this situation?

Give me some information on the aquatic salamander.?

What aquatic salamander? There are many different kinds of aquatic salamanders. Some stay in water all of their life and some start in water, go out on land for a while and then return to live out their lives in water. Some get big and some stay small.

Piercing for a swimsuit?

Ok here it is, my girl saw a girl who had 3 piercing, two in front just below her pelvic, and 1 in back just above hercrack. She said this girl then fastened a triangular piece of cloth as if it were a bikini bottom, with out the strings. So my question is this, is it safe, and also is it legal outside the home

Can I sue my friend for negligent pet care?

I have a small dog weighing about 10 pounds. I needed to go to a conference over the two day weekend and because my dog is very needy I asked my friend who my dog is familiar with if he would take care of him for me. My friend agreed and I gave him specific instructions on how to care for my dog. I told him that since he was such a small dog and not used to being outdoors, he was only to be outside on warm sunny days and let back into the house when it because chilly, rained, or of course began to get dark. He agreed to my requests. When I went to drop off the dog, he was not home, but I let him know that we were on the way and that I would leave the dog in the back yard. I got in contact with him right after securing the gate to the back yard, asking him to let me know when he arrived home so that I would know that my dog was 1. still there and 2. safe. I hadn't heard back from my friend and it was about 6o'clock in the evening so I gave him a call. I asked if he had gotten home to let my dog into the house. He said that he had and he added that he (my dog) was doing fine. I called when I was an hour away from my friends home, to let him know that I would be there shortly. When I arrived I asked where my dog was and he said that he was outside. The night before and into the current day it had rained and gotten cold. I let my dog in from the back yard. While he was greeting me he began coughing and chocking uncontrollably. When I asked what was wrong with him, my friend stated "I don't know he's been doing that ever since I let him inside". I immediately asked my friend if the dog had been outside while it rained or through the night. He responded with I don't know I wasn't here, he probably did get rained on. My friend began to laugh, although I seemed to have missed the joke. When I took my dog home, he continued to cough and chock at one point the chocking had gotten so bad he threw up. I went to sleep and was woken up to the sounds of my dog heaving and gasping for air. I got in touch with my friend and asked what really happened. He stated that his roommate put the dog into the garage, where there is a hole large enough for him to escape out of, which both the roommate and friend claim happened. I asked how long he was missing and the roommate told me only for a few minutes while the friend stated that the dog was gone from the time he was let out of the garage well into the next morning. When I got the dog to the veterinarian I was told that he had kennel cough and that if I hadn't have brought him in there was a very good chance that he would develop phenomena and die. The doctor recommended cough suppressants so that my dog would not be irritated and antibiotics to cure him. When I inquired why the dog was sick in the first place, the doctor asked if he was left outside while it was cold for a long period of time. The doctor added that the dog could have also gotten sick from contact with an infected dog. When I contacted my friend he said that he would help, and since telling him that I had a veterinary bill I haven't heard from him. Can I sue him for the cost of the Vet bill, and win?

What manga was this called?

Okk so i remember reading a summary like a while back and i forgot what it was called -_- i'm bad at remember things. Well anyways the manga was about a girl who transfers to a guy school because her father says u can be a NBA player there?I derno and yea she transfers because of basketball then she meets a guy with orange hair?(the cover) So yupp please tell. (:

There is a distant storm, should I unplug?

There is a distant storm, should I wait until I see/hear it gong on here to unplug my computer or should I just go ahead and do it? Thanks for your help!

Cheap hotels, airfare or train fares and sights in singapore-malaysia and thailand?

My friend andI are planning to go on a trip to singapore-malaysia and thailand, but were on a budget... so can u pls pls give me some info on cheap hotels or hostels in those 3 countries and where can we eat local food that is cheap BUT clean and filling...sights we can check out..and also we want to go to these 3 places via train, is it possible? any info

Help how do i tell this boy i DONT like him?

Just say. "hey. I don't know you that well and you don't know me well either. I am sorry but i think we should just be friends (or acquaintances)" or something like that.

Should boys be encouraged to retaliate when other boys are picking on them?

From my experience I would say yes, a bullied child who hits back tends to not get bullied again. Everyone is different though.

Why Does This Pastor Think Blacks And White Cant Have Babies?

landover baptist is stairical and critical of conservative christianity - its a parody, a fake. this letter was taylored for it to be offensive.

Why do some people dislike all Catholics?

I'm not saying that ALL people are prejudiced when it comes to Catholics, but why are some people? If one priest turns out to be a child molester, that doesn't mean that you should judge the all the Catholics. All religions have some bad people, and the Catholic Church, being so large, is bound to have some also. Why do some people judge us based on what they heard about a priest on the news? Most of those people don't even know anything about Catholicism.

Paddys becomes a father!?

Paddy's at the hospital, doctor says congratulations you're the proud father of triplets! "I'm not surprised i've a d**k like a chimney", the doctor says, well you'd better have it swept then because there all black!

Do I care way more than I should?

It seems like you are a perfectionist and may become so critical about the small things in life. This is perhaps why people are reluctant to establish friendship with you. Otherwise, you are just super picky of your company.

The expression "Do you not understand?"?

This is confusing. You were right in saying no, in my opinion, but it could be mistaken either way. Saying yes could be mistaken as "Yes, I do not understand" or "Yes, I understand" and the same thing with saying no. You probably only got in trouble because he was mad, and he wanted everyone to understand but nobdy at the time actually thought it through which way to answer, if you know what I mean. I would've just agreed with what the rest of the cl had said, or just not said anything at all.

Which tattoo do you prefer?

either hakuna matata (i want to get that one too) or the titanic one because there's a lot you can do with it, like have the saying below an anchor.

God loves you. Do you believe?

Why do you think someone can 'decide' to become a Christian? They either believe or they don't, you can't choose to become part of a religion.

Whats Reasonable for a Fathers financial obligations?

My now ex boyfriend and I have a baby on the way we spent 4 years together and I conceived my baby back in may. Im now 7 months pregnant and hes decided that he doesnt want to take part in mine or my childs life any longer. Hes resented me since the day he found out I was pregnant and wouldnt have an abortion I knew our relationship was withering away after that Im not upset over the fact he has left me Im upset over the fact that hes 41 years old immature and is depriving my child of a father. He stated that he would financially support the baby and I as long as he doesnt have to take part in our lifes he didnt but a limit as to what the financial support should be we are going to sit down and come up with an agreement so we dont have to go to family court and persue child support to be blunt about it I got enough **** to hold over his head to send him to the pen for atleast 10 years thats why hes avoiding the family courts and child support and is willing to pay me the sum I wish monthly to support our child. I dont want to take advantage of him because their isnt a sum of money out there that will replace my babys dad I would take him being a father to our child any day over a large sum of money. Heres what I sat down and though of expense wise. Im currently not working so I exspect my cellphone and college tuition to be paid until I find a job thats a mear $90 together a month I expect that he arrange adequete transportion for the baby and I, I am 20 and dont have my license I have a fear I know I need to get over so I would appreciate $6000 up front to purchase a reliable used car so I can go get my license. I also expect medical expenses to be paid of for the child a set amount of money to be put up for my childs education funds for diapars food and clothing.He also wishes I stay home to take care of the baby till it goes to school and thats where im confused I dont know know what amount isa good amount to set for me to be a stay at home mom I know its the greatest job ever but I need a source of income to get by I muchrather he pay child care expenses so I can work. whats the dollar amount I should put on each of these things a month for him food clothing diapers child care etc.

What are the best dj headphones?

I'm looking for some dj headphones and I wan't to know what the best brand would be or if you have a specific model you recommend. Thank you!

Monday, November 7, 2011

A two part question about health safety and hygiene?

part one is it more hygenic and cleaner for a woman to have a shaved pubic area other than having a bush? part two with all the STDS that are around especially H I V and why aren't women and girls tought that they can urinate standing up rather than sitting on a toilet especially in public restrooms?

How can I play a windows 96 game on a Windows xp machine. It says I I need quicktime and a decompressor?

I had an oldie but but goodie game from back before the Pentium chip. What I did was upgrade the game not downgrade the computer. That never seems to work

Are there any songs about Hamlet?

There's a song by A Change of Pace about Romeo and Juliet, so I wondered if there was anything like that about Hamlet

Where can you buy teen Vogue? and seventeen magazine for only people 17+?

You can buy Teen Vogue and Seventeen at any gas station or major book store usually in the magazine section (teen). Seventeen magazine, though it says is for 17 year olds, that is not the audience it caters for. The magazine is usually read by a much younger demographic(around 12-15). Tell your mom that she shouldn't be worried about you reading it as it is very appropriate for your age group and has a lot of empowering messages. (most 17 year old don't read it, as it is too young for them).

What 2 wear w/ sweatpants?

If the pink ones are light pink then a dark gray t would look cute. Gray pants really go with anything, navy looks good with it.

What does having a post-cholecystectomy abdomen mean?

did ultra sound on abdomen and it said post-cholecystectomy abdomen cbd in within normal limits. had gall bladder removed 5 months ago.

My contacts broke in two. HELP!!!?

Oh my gosh, i am freaking out so badly. I broke one of my contacts in two and i don't know what to do. I confess, my family is going through some hard times and we just can't afford me to get a new one. I am REALLY REALLY REALLY trying to avoid telling my family, because it will cause so much stress. I have Gas premable lenses. (there hard like plastic, not squishy.) i'm thinking of gluing them together with super glue. Or i could just wear one... Is there a special glue to hold them together? Please, please, please HELPP!!! Im begging you guys knowledge to fix my (utterly stupid, ingnorant, mediocre) mistake. Im just can't tell my parents. I have a special eye condition, so these Special contacts help me from going Blind. Please Help.

What do you think of my ideas of Season 3 of NXT?

Hunico wont be in the WWE yet since Rey Mysterio is a masked and Vince doesn't want two masked individuals. WWE released Savannah because of Gail Kim and WWE released Funaki because of Yoshi Tatsu. Anyways, there will be no Season 3 unless they can find another channel. Smackdown is coming to SyFy in September and they have to find another network by late that month.

If Israel continues to build settlements on Palestinian land?

Why are they surprised when the Palestinians are not happy and decide to retaliate. Do they expect them to leave their land peacefully and say 'here you go, its yours'. Would that be a normal reaction from anyone. I don't think so. Rational answers only please.

What has happened to me? HELP?

you may have a self induced type of hysteria. try to do things that don't effect your brain. Im not one of those dumb putz who says weed is bad for you, Im just saying that you should do things that make you naturally relax without pain killers or drugs. just do something calming like drink tea or rad a book. if you are afraid of something ease into it. Definatly don't **** with the Big E. That **** is made with ******* bug spray and bleach man. If you do weed again, make sure that **** is natural, try not to buy it on the streets. Get it from a very trusted person. because on the streets they put **** like crack dust and heroin to make you ******* addicted.

A ride operator runs 3 flatbeds. They use 20 bales on each flatbed. More below?

A hayride operators decided to run 3 flatbeds at a time to minimize lines. They use 20 bales of hay on each flatbed. They find that at the end of each day they need to replace half of the hay on each of the flatbeds to be ready for the next day’s business. How many total bales of hay will the hayride operators have used on the 3 flatbeds after they replenish the hay at the end of the fifth day of business?

Call of Duty, World at War?

Dogs arent skill, but staying alive for 7 kills in a row is skill. When you get them you'll feel diff. about them. Also once people get dogs, they die or kill themselves before they call them, and then once they get another couple of kills, then they call the dogs. That way the dogs help get you more dogs.

Could you critique my story please (repost, didn't get many responses)?

I think that is really good. i like the way you dont give away every thing and leave the reader to figure it out i really enjoyed it.

When the feds are Israel bomb the nuclear facilities in Iran?

and they will retaliate .bombing Israel and our bases and then Israel will respond with nuking them.are we will.will that not lead to world war three

Male enhancement?

Is there any truth to the claims that suction devices can provide enlargement? I'm looking for a non-hormonal way to increase my bust size.

Has anyone ever eaten a banana melon, if so what does it taste like?

i have had both together in a fruit salad, but not a melon that tasted like banana, unless i rub banana all over the melon piece!

What are some songs I could sing for a Middle School Talent Show?

I'm trying out for my school's talent show and I have no idea what I should sing. My voice is ranges from Soprano 1 to Tenor 1 and I'm obviously a girl. When I get into higher notes my voice changes to an operatic tone and i have a very powerful, LOUD voice. I don't really want names of bands, I want specific songs. Oh! And, don't forget, it has to be middle school appropriate.

Needed cross stitch patterns can you help?

I can help you out with Winnie the pooh. I have a ton of him in cross stitch! Just let me know what exactly you want, I have him in Cross stitch and in plastic canvas! Send me an e-mail!

What d you think of my poem? its kind of unorganized..?

The random swearing sound weird. And the sonny, honey, money deal. Overall I don't really like it, to be honest. I like the first stanza though, cept the prancing part.

Does anyone actually believe...?

No not at all!, the Bible does not prove anything at all of itself, and a science journal may also enlighten you as to how a radio works it is not a proof! after reading you need then to make your own jigsaw puzzle of understanding come together the difference is that God in fact does exist and will help you! if you want to understand for the right reasons that is, what use is it to God having people who only believe because of his forcing belief upon them when it would be better that people came to him because they wanted to, one would be zombie like compared to the other who loves Gods ways.

Nervous, confused and scared about this please help?

You asked this question last week stating you had a doctor's appointment for the next day. I'm not trying to be rude, but you need to just go and get it over with. You'll feel much better rather than stewing about it for weeks.

Can I have a brain hemorrhage and be alive still with no seizures?

Two years ago when I was swimming I hit my head hard and to this day I have pain in my sup occipital g and almost half of my brain. The only are not affected is the right side of my brain. The pains are so agonizing that I cry when I get one. I have painful headaches, change in vision, loss of cordination and balance which are some of the symptoms of a brain hemorrhage. But I don't have seizures so is it possible to have a brain hemorrhage and not have seizures?

Will indian muslim realise the threat from Safrons,CIA the mossad what is self defence options if gov fails?

The Hindu fundamentalist are doing much damge to the existence of muslims and discharging their fundamental duties like demolition of masjids preventing from construction of masjids no sanction of government lands in all the states and objections raised in purchased lands also whicle they are getting theorugh legal procedures , the dignity and existence and practice of faith has become difficult one side they talk ahimsa on the other they are the cowboys the incidents of managalore karnataka Karimnagar Andhrapradesh Tenkasi Tamilnadu Ayodya Utterpradesh etc are major but most of the unrecognised matters dint come in media media is reporting pro Hindu and anti Muslim attitude the Hindu organisations like shiv sena VHP RSS is running terror camps to target muslims is ignored by the media and the concerned gov and even burocrats and legislators taking the help of RSS and others in their decesions why they are against muslim and why dint the muslim comunity dint realise the therat if muslims have taken the Jihad they defnitely killed the Babri Masjid demolishers but none killed by the muslims so it is proved that some vested criminals in guise of muslims are creating the problem why did narender modi killed etc

My life is so stressed, please, please help me with this!!!?

Take a deep breath..... then another...... I am bipolar and it makes my PMS seriously bad! You should feel a bit better after your period starts. Then talk to your mom about going back to the therapist. Sometimes a therapist will reduce their fee if you can't afford it.

What is this metal song with a pipe organ intro?

About a week ago I pulled up to a stoplight, and after a few seconds I became aware of pipe organ coming from the car to my left. It was powerful, spooky-sounding stuff in a minor key -- a lot like Bach's "Toccata and Fugue in D minor". After the last pedal notes faded away, a metal band came slamming in with a guitar, b, and drums. It was really clean, well-recorded and dynamic, punchy and clear. The little Goth girl in the penger seat yelled "F*** yeah!" and things really got rocking with this chugging guitar riff that made me think of old-school metal. I was really starting to enjoy it, but then the light changed and I had to turn. Does anyone have any idea what this song is called, or who the band is? Thanks.

Touchy-feely music teacher..?

.....EWWWW! No, that is ABSOLUTELY NOT appropriate. Tell your parents. I think you should find another teacher... Hate to sound blunt, but this guy's a pedo.

My felony was reduced to a misdemeanor in Calif., can I legally own a gun?

The expungment has nothing to do with it -- relief under Penal Code section 1203.4 does not restore gun rights. However, when a felony is reduced to a misdemeanor it becomes a misdemeanor for all purposes. Since a theft conviction does not have any effect upon gun rights of which I am aware, you should now be able to legally possess a firearm. There is a form available on the California Attorney General's website where you can verify that you are legally permitted to own a firearm. You should check that, but I am reasonably confident that this conviction will not disqualify you from future possession of a firearm.

How is Holden Caulfield a representation of adolescence?

He is searching for experiences that he has never had but has heard about, despite the fact that he gets into difficulties, some resulting in humiliation. He probes life with a mental stick to see if it wiggles and invariably "Strikes when the iron is cold", (Rabelais). RES

Need advice on my brake up :(?

my ex bf broke up with me during a text he said he wants to be alone and that some other guy will make me happy because he believes he doesnt make me happy. so we havent talk since june 21 and on july 3 he tag a photo of a man painting to me because i love art then july 20 he liked my status and it said my friends curse out my creeper and i had a good time with them. then this week his mom saw me and our friend hanging out and he text her saying where she was and that if he knew someone name patricia in the 40s he is a dumb cause why will our friend know his stepmom she told him she was with me and he was like no not patty my ex. i know i told him when he dump me we can be friends but i honestly cant be his friend. what do u think is he trying to be nice and be friends??? i need advice.


No I dont think he is trying to say you are a bad kisser, I think that he is being immature. You sound young, there are plenty of other guys out there for you, that will love and adore you just the way you are. :) After experiencing how immature guys can be firsthand, I would compltely leave him alone. Don't contact him no matter how temped you are, let him see what he had and he'll realize how important you are after time. Hope it all works our for you! :)

Some other magazine like dolly or girlfriend?

do you have any good names because i wanna make my own mag !!! but i dont want a name that already taken givw me sugetions?? i want it to be like girlfriend or doll,y????

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Who is the best athlete rapper (ha ha ha)?

NONE OF THEM CAN RAP! they need to focous on Basketball and stop trying to sing! And Ron Artest is a physcho

What program belongs to file rascal.dll?

It appears that it belongs to a program that is used to control the Robix Rascal Robot. a href="http://www.robix.com/default.html" rel="nofollow"http://www.robix.com/default.html/a

Why don't people read questions properly on here?

They are too interested in (1) points, or (2) their own agenda. As for the insults, there on some folks on here that can barely read, much less understand a simple question. They are the ones most likely to throw that type of language around in consequence. Sorry you got slammed like that. I hope you find some nice answers for your son's name. Unfortunately, I'm terrible at stuff like that, myself.

What movie should i watch?

I'm taking my friends and cousins for a movie..what should i watch? It has to be suitable for teens and little kiddies...

Why and How do you use textile medium with Fabric Paint to paint on t shirts with paintbrush?

Liquitex makes a fabric medium that is supposed to keep the t shirts from getting stiff. While you can paint right on the shirt with a brush and paint,it works better to put a piece of card board underneath and between the front and back of the shirt to keep the fabric stretched so it is easier to make your art. What happens is that unless you use the fabric medium your artwork will get stiff every time you wash and dry the shirt. Go to the liquitex site and download the fabric medium instructions. they are more extensive than what comes with the bottle.

(Repost) Why did he break up with me then hold me all night?

Well he still loves you it's clear that that's true. Maybe he doesn't really want to leave you, but he's been cheated on he's hurt. Just give it time I guarantee you guys will be back together in no time because he is certainly not over you. Hey people make mistakes, eventually he'll get over the cheating part and thinks will return to normal. What doesn't break you makes you stronger lol/

Sharing a printer between windows vista and windows 7?

The printer must be turned on first. Also, the Vista computer must be turned on and logged in every time you need to print, as it is the machine that is providing the printer a network connection to the router. If that is a deal breaker, you can get something called a "print server" that lets you hook the printer directly up to the router, then you can print from any system in your network at any time (as long as the printer is turned on).

Do you really think someone has time to judge you, and put you in hell?

it is expensive to resurrect you from a physics pov. Entropy is expensive to reverse, and reduce. plus, if anyone created the Universe, why would he/it care about you on this stupid planet? When there are far grander galaxies, stars, etc?

Are we all living in denial and keeping secrets from one another to the detrament of all in our society.?


Can anyone translate this into English for me? please and thank you.?

Ubi descendit raeda in fossam, concidunt omnes. Nemo tamen e raeda cadit. Mox cuncti in viam e raeda descendunt, solliciti sed incolumes. Cornelius, quamquam gaudet quod omnes sunt incolumes, raedarium miserum reprehendit. "Age, Syre, Noli cessare! Extrahe statim raedam e fossa!" Syrus igitur equos incitat. Equi raedam strenue trahunt, sed frustra. Raeda in fossa haeret immobilis. Syrus eam movere non potest. "O sceleste!" inquit Cornelius. "Tua culpa raeda est in fossa. Quid tu faciebas ubi cisium appropinquabat? Dormiebasne?" Interpellat tus, "Syrus non dormiebat, sed per viam placide ibat dum appropinquabat cisium. Ego et Marcus spectabamus cisium, quod celerrime appropinquabat. Deinde tabellarius equos ad raedam nostram devertebat. Periculum erat magnum. Syrus cisium vitare poterat et iam nos omnes sumus incolumes quod Syrus raedam magna arte agebat." Tum Cornelius rogat, "Tune cisium spectabas, Marce, ubi appropinquabat?" "Ita vero, pater!" respondet Marcus. "Omnia observabam. Erat culpa tabellarii, non Syri. Syrus raedam magna arte agebat." Sed Cornelii, magna ira commotus, virgam arripit et raedarium miserum verberat.

If I am called "mentally ill" and "criminal" by the Christians and they kill me, then I die for their sins?

True christian do not Kill .Plain and simple . There are several people that believe that it is ok to take peoples life because of things they have done but I am here to tell you that The Bible says Thou Shalt Not Kill ! and Judge not lest ye be Judged. . Therefore, I do not believe that it is mans place to kill someone for thier crimes .

What kind of top goes well along with black sweatpants?

I just got black sweatpants and idk what to wear on the top for it... HELP!!! What colors too please!

What happens to the filing of IT returns for beyond 6 years?

What happens to the filing of IT returns for beyond 6 years? (previous incomes have been from 1999) Is there a consolidated approach? Is there a penalty? Also does it mean that, people can forget filing of IT returns, if not done for old....? How to account that money? Procedures please...

Have a Cut on Face Below Nose How To Deal?

I got cut there playing bball and it just keeps opening up from something as small as washing my face .. what should i do so it will heal faster? Its getting redder and more aggitated each time it opens up again

A difficult problem?

So, there is a problem I am in at work. I'm a bartender at this place, and there is this guy I instantly had a cruch on. I am 100% open, but I couldn't tell about this guy, so I kept my mouth shut. Instantly he took a liking to me (helping me out, having a beer after work, general after work stuff) and doesn't really do that wih the other workers. I had him pegged as a definate potential, but I just found out he has a girlfriend, which threw me for a loop. I met her, but he asked me tonight if I wanted to go somewhere tomorrow, maybe "grab a bite, and hit the club" How should I take that, and how far should I take this offer?

Colon Cleanser ~ Nothing's happening =/?

So I decided to do a colon cleanser. I found a recipe for one on a site that is a cup of water, tsp of psyllium husk powder and a tsp of liquid bentonite clay. I'm supposed to take it 3 times a day and I started yesterday. I only pooped once right after I took my first dose. The rest of the day all I did was pee like 4 times. Right now all I'm drinking is water and a nutritious broth soup to make sure I get nutrients during the week that I do this. I took the colon cleanser again around 11am and still....... no poop. Just peed once. My mom says that maybe I need to give it a few days to start working. Is this true? Or should I be pooping by now?

I was wondering if i should make a professional CD of my cello playing for college applications?

I am not applying for a music major just a german major early decision at NYU so it may be a huge waste of money and i might come off as snotty to the admissions because i spent all that money when im not even going to be a music major, or feel pushy maybe. What do you guys think? On one hand it may showcase my playing or the other side it could look like im just another rich kid who has the money to get a professional CD done

Did Ciara Respond to Lil Wayne?

I've read that lil wayne and Trina just got back together. I haven't heard anything about him and Ciara at all though.

What kind of organisms are there in the amazon rainforest?

what kind of animals and plants live there and what are some interesting facts about them? what trains do they have that helps them survive in their habitat?

What city, and state are you in, and what time is it, where you are!!?

Timaru, Port Town on East Coast, South Island, New Zealand. Its 8.20pm, Clear/calm 26dgC - approx 79dg F

What will Europe do to prevent Russia from reabsorbing ex-Soviet countries?

First Georgia, murders in Ukraine, pressuring of Estonia, helping keep alive pro-Russia movement in Belarus, what's next!?

Car accident help, fault?

My husband was on a dark highway, a road he has travelled every night for 3 years. He came up to a stop light and began to slow down, it turned green so he sped back up.( there was no vehicles at the stop light, or anywhere around ) he looked down at his spedometer coming up to the light, looked up, a few seconds later, almost right after the stop light, he saw the outline of a big truck ( he believes it was a black dump truck that was either stopped or going extremly slow, he saw no lights) he hit his brakes but was to close to do any good.He hit it going 55 (not speeding) He was ticketed for careless driving, shattered his femur,broke 2 bones in his foot and bruised a lung.The car was totaled and we only had liability (work car) I guess I am wondering how we can find out if the truck is at fault. lights not on? stopped on the highway?ect..Does anyone have experience with this situation? It just doesnt seem right.